American Grunt Taxidermy Services
American Grunt Taxidermy is a Veteran Owned and operated taxidermy studio. We specialize in North American mammals, birds, and fish. We create top quality taxidermy mounts and replicas using only the best products at reasonable prices.

Hoofed Mammals
American Grunt Taxidermy specializes in Whitetail Deer, Elk, Moose, Buffalo, Pronghorn, and other hoofed mammals in North America. American Grunt Taxidermy has taking great strides to ensure that each mount is completed as a competition mount at commercial taxidermy prices. We use only top quality tanning, eyes, forms, and habitats, which will give the customer a better mount. Contact us for more information or to set up a consultation today! We invite you to browse through our image gallery.

American Grunt Taxidermy specializes in Turkey, Pheasants, ducks and a variety of migratory birds. We have gone through extensive training in to learn proven techniques for mounting these popular game birds by carefully inspecting the bird for damage to feathers and by carefully skinning, fleshing, and mounting each piece as competition quality. Contact us for more information or to set up a consultation today! We invite you to browse through our image gallery.

Small Game
American Grunt Taxidermy specializes in Fox, Coyote, Raccoon, Squirrels, and other small game mounts. American Grunt Taxidermy has taking great strides to ensure that each mount is completed as a competition mount at commercial taxidermy prices. We use only top quality tanning, eyes, forms, and habitats, which will give the customer a better mount. We specialize in Fox, Coyote, Raccoon, and much more. Contact us for more information or to set up a consultation today! We invite you to browse through our image gallery.

American Grunt Taxidermy specializes in fresh and saltwater fish. We can mount your trophy with the real skin or as a replica. American Grunt Taxidermy has trained under a three-time international fish taxidermy champion utilizing cutting edge glossing technology to ensure that your trophy fish mount is of the highest quality. Contact us for more information or to set up a consultation today! We invite you to browse through our image gallery.

American Grunt Taxidermy has taking great strides to ensure that each Bear mount is completed as a competition mount at commercial taxidermy prices. We use only top quality tanning, eyes, forms, and habitats, which will give the customer a better mount. Contact us for more information or to set up a consultation today! We invite you to browse through our image gallery.

Euro Mounts
American Grunt Taxidermy utilizes cutting edge industry techniques when creating Euro (Skull) Mounts, to ensure that you get the cleanest, brightest skull trophy.pecialize in Euro Mounts. Contact us for more information or to set up a consultation today! We invite you to browse through our image gallery.

American Grunt Taxidermy prides itself in providing competition quality rugs for a variety of animals (bear, coyote, buffalo, deer, cow, etc.,) Our rug mounts are of the best quality and we devote great time and care to the eyes, nose and ears to make our rugs look authentic. Contact us for more information or to set up a consultation today! We invite you to browse through our image gallery.

American Grunt Taxidermy offers both Dry and Wet tanning. Our hides have a nice stretch, are clean, and have very little shrinkage when drying (for wet tans). Hides that are dry tanned undergo the same tanning process as wet tans, however, these hides go an extra step with tanning solutions to help them tumble garment dry (dry tanned hides must be rehydrated).e specialize in Tanning. Contact us for more information or to set up a consultation today! We invite you to browse through our image gallery.

American Grunt Taxidermy can take old or bad mounts done by other taxidermist and rework them. We have access to multiple hides where we can bring new life to your trophy. Contact us for more information or to set up a consultation today! We invite you to browse through our image gallery.

American Grunt Taxidermy specializes in offering a wide variety of custom novelty creations such as rump bottle openers, hoof bottle openers, and hoof gun or bow racks. We can also customize any vision that you prefer.e specialize in Novelties. Contact us for more information or to set up a consultation today! We invite you to browse through our image gallery.

Skull Dipping
American Grunt Taxidermy utilizes industry leading technology for dipping any type of skull using a variety of colors and camouflage patterns. We can also create customized patterns of any type for your trophy skull. Additionally, we can apply our industry leading technology to other items such as guns, bows, etc. Contact us for more information or to set up a consultation today! We invite you to browse through our image gallery.

Repairs and Restorations
American Grunt Taxidermy provides restoration and repair services of your taxidermy mounts. We perform general maintenance cleaning and complete restoration of damaged mounts. We have the advanced skills necessary to take an old mount and restore to new. We specialize in restoring old or damaged fish mounts; replacing fins, stripping old paint and repainting. We invite you to browse through our image gallery.